Monday, November 9, 2009

Taste of the Town

One part of my job is to make public apperances.
Yesterday, I got to attend the 27th Annual Taste of the Town event in Downtown Fort Myers.
The crowds were big, the tents of food were numerous, and the bands were loud!

The one thing I never get used to on my job is when people just stop and shout, "oh, hi Jamie!" Because while it is nice to know viewers recognize who you are, I don't know half of the people who yell at me.
I feel bad, because I know I am a part of many people's routine. You get to see me within "the box" but I don't get to see you! Unless it's at an event like Taste of the Town. And I know people always want to be remembered, but sometimes it's so hard!

And now, I realize Facebook has made this doubly difficult. Many people have added me as "their friends."
And while I love to communicate in this way and connect to the viewers, I don't recognize you in public. Mainly, because your profile pic is your dog or cat, looks nothing like you, or is way too small to recognize you in person.

Please don't stop saying hello, just please re-introduce yourself so you don't feel snubbed, and I don't feel like an arse!

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